Encourage your daughter with a handwritten note, and stay up to date on events with CampStuff.
While emails are nice, there is nothing like a **hand-written letter**. Please remember to keep letters cheerful and positive. You might even send mail a few days early so that your child will have something to read the first day of mail call.
Campers are encouraged to write home so make sure to send stationery and stamps with them. If your child is young, you might want to prepare some self-addressed envelopes or cards to make mailing easier from camp. Please mail letters to:
Camper Name
Cabin Name
Camp Skyline Ranch
P.O. Box 287
Mentone, AL 35984
Camp Skyline has a no-package policy. All packages (including oversized envelopes and padded envelopes, as well as boxes) will be returned to the sender. The only exceptions are birthdays and necessary items, which will need prior approval.
Cell phones and phone usage are prohibited at camp. Campers are not allowed to receive or make outgoing calls during camp, either from the office phone or by cell phone.
Follow along with your daughter while she is at camp.
Useful links and other helpful camp related websites.
Copyright © Camp Skyline