
Christian Emphasis

As a Christian summer camp we believe in one God, His word the Bible, and what it teaches. We believe that all Scripture is inspired by God and is our final authority for faith and life.

We believe in a pattern of living exemplified by Jesus Christ, God’s Son. Following Christ’s example, the young women we hire communicate these beliefs through living their life daily for God.
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Daily Devotions

We begin each day with an energizing devotion called Morning Watch and end each day with a calming devotion around the campfire. All devotions are age appropriate and led by our counselors. These devotions are centered around the summer theme.

Sundays at Skyline are both restful and dedicated to God. The morning begins with a Sunday School lesson within their age groups followed by a camp wide morning worship service.

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Summer Theme

Camp Skyline’s owner, Sally Johnson, and Summer Chaplain, Ella Walker pray together to create summer theme during the year. They also work to create a daily guide for the young women we hire to follow as they teach morning watch and campfires each day.

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What Camp Skyline believes

  • We believe the bible is the infaliable word of God. All truth and no errors.

  • We believe in our mission and ministry here at Camp Skyline - enriching young girls in God, relationships, and self.

  • We believe in a pattern of living exemplified by Jesus Christ, God’s Son.

  • We believe in one God, His word the Bible, and what it teaches.

  • We believe that all Scripture is inspired by God and is our final authority for faith and life.

  • We believe the bible on all social issues. Camp Skyline is a biological all-girls christian summer camp that strives to leave all social issues for discussion at home. This includes, but is not limited to, gender identity and sexual preferences.

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Who teaches the Christian emphasis?

The full time staff and the young women we hire as counselors teach our morning watch and campfire devotions during camp. Learn more about who we hire!

“At Skyline, I learned independence out from under my parents’ loving wings. I made great friends from all over the U.S. that I would have never made in little ole’ Jasper, Alabama. Most importantly, I built the foundation of my Christian faith.”

JeanFormer Camper and Counselor
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Morning Watch at Camp Skyline

Our morning watch devotions begin with a few fun worship songs to wake up the girls. Then, our counselors pray and give an example relating to the verse of the day.

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Campfires at Camp Skyline

Our campfire devotions begin with a few slower worship songs to engage the girls as they wind down from their day before the devotional message.

We end our campfires each night by singing Taps before the girls are dismissed for bed.

Additional ways the girls can learn more about God

We offer bible study as one of our optional activities for our two week campers.

Our bible study activity is split by age groups. We do this to ensure age appropriate topics. Our younger campers get to dive into the word with Frances Lindsey, our Camp Mom, and our older girls get to spend time in the bible with Sally Johnson, our owner of Camp Skyline.

Frances and Sally have been leading the girls in bible study for years and aim to equip them during their time here at camp with great habits and ways to learn more about Jesus.