Sock Wars, Dance Night, and events unique to each session provide extracurricular fun at Camp Skyline!
On the first night of each session, campers get to know one another by doing fun activities with their cabin mates. The most popular include shaving cream fights, tie dying, spa nights and – of course – S’MORES!
A camp skyline classic and one of my favorites is sock war. This is a giant glorified game of capture the flag. Each club has a different club’s flag hidden in an area around camp and they have to get it back! Though, each camper is armed with socks to tag the opposing clubs with. When they get tagged they run to the basketball court and get counted, then they can continue playing!
The dance is always a camper favorite! We have a local boys camp, Camp Laney, come over to our tennis courts for some fun music and dancing. The girls get so excited to wear a cute outfit and do some dances they have learned throughout the session like the cotton eyed joe or candy in the sun. Keep watch for the summer dance theme so you know what to pack!
“Oh, I can’t believe it is the last night of camp already!”
We wrap up every session with a tradition that has been around since 1947. This special banquet recognizes our campers and the amazing job they have done in their activities. Trophies are awarded to the club winning the most points, the Horse Show cup, and the coveted Eloise H. Temple Spirit Cup.
I am so excited to introduce this new session theme. Throughout the session each cabin will work together in their free time to choreograph a lip sync/ Dance routine that they will perform on the night of the music festival which will be at the beginning of the second week of 1st session. We will choose a genre of music and that will be the theme of the festival. We can’t wait to see the creativity that will come along with this session! We will also have some fun performances from our very talented counselors.
Color wars is a day full of cabin fun. The girls all wear white tee shirts and will travel with their cabin to complete obstacle courses all around camp while protecting their counselor from getting color powder on her. At the completion of their tasks they will make their way over to the riverside field where they will get to throw color on their own! This makes for some very colorful fun, great pictures, and a swim afterwards to wash off! Whoever gets the least color on their counselor wins!
Happy Birthday America! What better way to celebrate the 4th than with a packed day of red, white, and blue extravaganza? Wake up to the horses marching through camp, a special flag raising ceremony, 4th of July incorporated activities, giant cakes, picnics, popcorn, a patriotic parade and amazing fireworks!
Merry Christmas, Camp Skyline! During the Christmas session, campers can enjoy playing Secret Santa, having Christmas Eve, and waking up to Christmas Day camp style with presents, stockings, Christmas Carnival, and even Santa, himself, riding through camp on a horse! ‘Tis the season…for Christmas in July!
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