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Patsy and her daughter, Kimberly.
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What makes Skyline special to you?

Skyline has been a special place in my heart all my life. I have life long friends from camp that I absolutely love their friendship and, when needed, wise advice. I began camp as a camper in 1953 or 1954. After the first year I stayed all summer every summer until I married after camp in 1964. I became a JC then a Counselor and head of riding. Horses were a big part of camp after camp in those days. Everyone took riding. When my daughter was old enough, we went back to camp for one session each summer from 1984-1989. I worked at camp while we both enjoyed camp life!

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What is your favorite camp memory?

My favorite camp memory is a lifetime with my camp friends from then until now.

Currently, I am a member of the Skyline Foundation Board, so I am able to join my camp friends at the end of each session all summer long where we receive donations to help girls come to camp who need some financial assistance. Therefore, my camp memories continue!

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What life skills did you learn at camp?

Life skills include being healthy, physically active, practice getting along with others, being a team player and learning to lead among others traits. I was Ranger song leader and then Ranger captain which led to adding self-confidence and learning to lead wisely.

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How has Skyline’s mission statement, “Enriching young girls in God, relationships and self”, impacted your life?

God has always been very important in my life. Camp enriched and added what God meant to me in my everyday life. I always carried my Bible to camp and used it. Being thoughtful and kind to others as you interact in a close camp environment is very important even though there are great rivals between clubs. Also, I have wonderful, close friends who were not in my club.

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