
I’ll never forget the time I was told I would be in Summerplace, a cabin across the river, for the first time. The scream I let out could probably be heard all around camp. My excitement only grew as my parents took a right at the stop sign, instead of a left, and drove to my home for the next two weeks. This is an experience that I’m sure many Skyline girls can relate to as living across the river is something we all anticipate.

Summerplace is usually a camper’s first stop across the river. 7th and 8th grade girls are divided between 8 rooms, with 4-6 girls in each room. Recently remodeled, the rooms are suite-style, with two rooms sharing a large bathroom. This is the first time the counselors are not right there in the room with campers. Instead, counselor rooms are at either end of the building.

Campers in Summerplace get special perks like staying up later and attending campfire with Riverside.

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After a year in Summerplace, girls move to Riverside where they round out their years as a camper. This cabin is truly one-of-a-kind. With 18 camper rooms and 6 counselor rooms, a large lobby area, dining room, and kitchen, our oldest girls (8th-11th grade) enjoy the old hotel as their home away from home. You’re guaranteed to find the name of a family member, friend, or counselor while looking at one of the 87 preserved pieces of the original Riverside, or on a door to a room. Similar to Summerplace, each room is set up with 4-6 girls, however, Riverside rooms come with their own bathrooms.

A special Riverside perk is sleeping in! Because the cabin has its own dining room, campers and counselors eat breakfast in Riverside every morning after their Morning Watch devotion.

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Your summers across the river are something special. You’re given independence to do your own thing in your free time and the ability to hold different leadership positions around camp. From Summerplace lip sync battles to Riverside dance parties, the opportunities to make incredible memories are endless!