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Merry Christmas Eve Skyline Family!

Santa comes to town in T-12 hours! Tonight we had Santa’s Workshop with all kinds of activities to choose from! You could make bracelets, ornaments, write Christmas cards, play games, and so so so much more! And to top it off, we had cookies and milk!

Before Santa’s Workshop some campers helped our Chaplain, Ella, perform a Christmas play that told the story of Jesus’ birth! It was so adorable with campers playing the roles of stable animals, the star, camels, Mary and Joseph and the wise men. The other campers really enjoyed watching it and helped sing all the songs that went with the play!

Tomorrow morning Santa will come to church! Even in July, Santa finds a few minutes of his vacation time to stop by Camp Skyline and give our campers gifts!

Before Santa’s workshop we had a full and fun day of activities! As I walked around snapping some pics I seen so many smiling faces eager to learn new things. At this point in the session, it would be so easy to be tired and sluggish but these campers still have such good attitudes! They are so grateful to be at camp and so are we!

Don’t forget to watch our daily vlog linked below and on our youtube to see some clips of our day! Goodnight!