
It’s day four Skyline Family! Are y’all missing yalls kiddos yet? Well rest assured that they are having a BLAST!

The rain over the past couple days has made the river high enough for us to open the water slide! And it was a HUGE hit with the campers! We hope it stays open for the rest of the session! Volleyball class played a fun basketball/ volleyball crossover game today where they had to volleyball serve into the goal! Sports class dominated in a classic game of dodgeball and our dance class is getting their routines perfected!

CSR climbed and repelled from the tower today in preparation for their upcoming trips. They will leave campus for the first time tomorrow to head to the Zahn managament area to do some climbing and rappelling! The girls are pumped!

The LT class did a whole bunch of team building today with games to teach them to communicate and work together under stress. The LT’s have been doing a phenominal job leading around campus withing their activities and cabins.

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Tonight Camp Skyline was taken over by some wild Laney Boys! They interupted dinner and kidnapped our club leaders! The clubs had to get together to rescue them! They were given clues and had to go to several locations around camp to get their captains, club boxes, and club flag back. All the while dodging the cootie bombs that the boys were throwing at them! Get Skyline Back is basically a huge game of capture the flag and dodgeball! It is the most fun!

And of course with a club competition comes club points! Drumroll please…


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