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Hello Camp Skyline family!

Day Nine has come to an end! It is hard to believe that second session is already halfway done! We had a full day of activities today, here are some things we got into!

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Today the CSR class hit the road for a full day of caving! They went to where campers refer to as the “Christmas Tree Cave” and had the BEST time! It was a hot day in Alabama, so being cool underground was a smart move.

Fitness class took a small trip off campus today too! They took a jog to downtown Mentone! Round trip it is about 2 miles and these girls just ran and ran the whole way.

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The river is still pretty low, dispite the showers over the weekend. But the pool is getting some much appreciated love! The diving board tricks are getting pretty impressive!

Tomorrow our advanced canoeing class will kayak all the way to Desoto Falls! The river may be low, but we can still get a kayak through it! They will Kayak to the falls and eat breakfast with a view! I’m jealous!

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Wednesday night is show-time so we will get to see what our musical theatre, set design, gymnastics, and cheer classes have been working on! I love show-time because these girls have worked so hard for a week now and they finally get to show us all! It is a huge achievement for them!

Set design is such a great class that deserves some recognition! They create all the set for the musical theatre performance! And they do so great with such a short amount of time! They are a group of crafty ladies!

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The horse show is just around the corner as well! Campers will try out for a chance to participate in the Grand Champion which is a big deal at camp! The Grand Champion is on packing day and only the best of the best riders get to participate!

Tonight’s activity was Speed Challenge which is a club competition! Speed challenge is a huge relay race that goes non-stop with so many tasks! And the girls cheer and have so much spirit the entire time! It is so high energy adn I know these gals are going to sleep good tonight, most of them dyed in their club color from body paint…

Wanna know who took home the points tonight???


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