
Hey Camp Skyline Families! We have had a GREAT second day of activities! We have had some rain on and off throughout the day but nothing can stop us! Campers had the opportunity this morning to switch any classes they changed their minds about so now they have their schedules for the rest of the session!

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The session has just began and we already have campers that are perfecting their activities! We had a couple bullseyes in riflery class today! We had a couple in archery as well!

Mountain biking hit the ground running (or wheeling…) and went almost five miles today! Talk about jumping right into it!

Horseback classes are doing great learning all the tips and tricks to riding horses. There is alot more that goes into it than you think! The campers, younger campers especially, are so impressive how quickly they can catch on to it!

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You know what day it is!!! TWIN TUESDAY! Our Age Outs outdid themselves today with not only twinning but with custom made age out tops! We love seeing our campers grow in their confidence at camp, especially seeing once young campers now be leaders around campus!

Tonight’s night time activity is Candy Crush! Candy Crush is kinda hard to explain but I’m going to try. Counselors are split into two groups and spread out all around camp. One group of counselors have a bag of balloons with points inside and if you complete their challenge, your cabin earns a balloon! The rest of the counselors are “hecklers” and will pop your balloons if you don’t complete the task to their satisfaction. And the fun part is, you don’t know the difference between hecklers and points until you approuch the counselor! Once your cabin safely makes it to three balloons, you head to the gym to keep them safe. Once all cabin are finished or the time runs out, everyone pops their balloons to see how many points they had!

Tonight was a cabin competition so there was no prize or club points, but there still has to be a winner right?


Brookwood and Riverside rooms 4 and 5!!!