
Hello from Camp Skyline!!! We are 4 days into first session and we are having a blast! We have really gotten into our day time activities. Our Caving Survival and Rappelling class took their first off-campus trip today to rappel off some huge rocks! Larry loves teaching these ladies how to do all this cool stuff and I know they enjoy having such a unique experience.

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There is a new class we have added this summer! It is called Home Sciences and the campers are enjoying it! The class ended up being much bigger than we thought it would. In this class campers are learning how to crochet, sew, plant seeds, dinner etiquette, and so much more! It is definately a class I would have taken as a camper. So many skills that campers will carry with them forever!

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Our Sports class had the perfect activity for a hot day. They got to play waterslide kickball! It always starts as kickball and eventually turns to just waterslides,,, but it is even more fun that way! Our photography classes are full of creativity! Today they learned some tips and tricks on how to shoot in manual mode and they are really getting some good shots!

For our night activity we GOT SKYLINE BACK!!! At the end of dinner the “Laney Boys” came into our dining hall and stole away our club captains! How dare they! They hid them around camp and our campers had to go get them back! They took down the Laney Boys, dogding their “cootie bombs” and got them back! It is as if capture the flag, dodge ball, and tag were all mixed together and played to the extreme! Wanna know which club worked the fastest???


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