
Happy Sunday! This is Alexis again and I look foward to sharing our special day with y’all! We start every Sunday morning a little later than usual and head to pajama breakfast at 9:00! This is always an anticipated breakfast because who wouldn’t want the homemade doughnuts and super sweet strawberries?! Once we finished with breakfast, the campers went back to their cabins for cabin clean up and got dressed in all white for Sunday School and church! There are four different meeting locations for Sunday School and they’re all led by our awesome counselors! This is such a special time to get into the word and learn more about our theme verse from Ephesians 6! The verse for today in Ephesians 6:15 and in Sunday School they learned all about it and the Gospel of Peace!

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Once Sunday School was over we had church in the gym! We were treated to an awesome dance by a couple of our lovely counselors and admin! It was so special and they did absolutely amazing! After the dance, the counselor chior led us in worship and then we got into the message! Our message was brought by Mrs. Aysa and it was awesome! She discussed our theme in her message, which is The Armor of God from Ephesians 6! All of the campers were so engaged and Mrs. Aysa taught them a dance to the song Bulletproof by Citizen Way at the end of the message! After that we sang the Alma Mater then went off to lunch!

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For lunch we had the usual… chicken fingers, green beans and mashed potatoes! We also had two birthday girls today - Emmeline and Lola Kate! They ran around the dining hall together as we celebrated them! Once lunch wrapped up, we had an extra long rest hour to prepare for the rest of our fun filled day!

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This afternoon we had Carnival!!! There is nothing like Carnival Sunday! From the snow cones, popcorn, face painting, water slides, karaoke, and more, the fun is endless! There was a giant obstacle course I saw a lot of girls racing on! And I could just hear all the fun they were having with karaoke in the gym! I heard songs from Hannah Montana and even the Banana song by the Minions! Speaking of minions, there were a couple of them spotted all around carnival today!

After the carnival we had picnic dinner and then went into our night time activity which was Get Skyline Back! This is always a fun activity that the campers and counselors all look foward to. The “Laney boys” steal the club captains and hide them around camp for the clubs to steal back! The campers have to dodge flying socks in order to take down a counselor and get closer to getting their captain back! Whichever club ends with the fastest time, wins! Are you ready for the results?