
Hi everyone! I figured I’ll go ahead and reintroduce myself before I get things kicked off! My name is Alexis and I’m the digital media intern here at camp this summer. I’ll be giving you a virtual tour of camp… aka, The Roost! We started day three off with Morning Watch at 7:15! Name a better way to start each morning - I’ll wait! This is always so special and we truly love to start each day off with God’s word and following our theme verse from Ephesians 6! After Morning Watch we had breakfast, club meetings and moved onto our activities! Today was Twin Tuesday and I saw LOTS & LOTS of twins!

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Today was the second full day of activities and it’s been so awesome to see our campers thriving! The joy and excitement on their faces makes me want to jump in and participate myself, haha! I especially love watching our campers eagerly waiting for their turn at circus and ropes! The smile never leaves their face once they are finally up there! I applaud them for having the bravery to do it, because it’s a lot harder than it looks! CSR is getting ready for their first out of camp trip to Zahn Management Area for rapelling. With it only being the second day, the girls have improved so fast! They wasted no time over at archery and each and every one of them already look like pros! They are getting closer and closer each day to getting a bulls-eye, I’m sure by the end of the week they will all achieve one! Today in photography, we went on a scavenger hunt all around camp with a list of 20 things that I wanted the girls to get pictures of and it was really awesome to see their creativity shine through!

As I was leaving photography, I could smell the rolled grilled cheese that they were making in cooking and I had to stop by and try it… one of the many perks of being a photographer at camp!!! Speaking of wanting to participate in activities myself… it is super hot on the mountain so I was really tempted to jump in the pool! If you are ever looking for our videographer Aly… she is more than likely in the pool/river and I don’t blame her! The mountain bikers went to Camp Laney today and the fitness class walked to the nearby Alpaca farm! Tonight’s activity was a competition between the cabins called Candy Crush and the Session Two campers had us laughing so hard! All of the tasks that they were doing were so silly and they had so much fun with it! The cabin that one issss… RIVERSIDE rooms 11 and 12!!! That’s all for tonight and we will see y’all tomorrow!

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