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Hey camper families! I’m thankful for another day with these awesome second session campers! We started today out with saying “see-ya later” to the mini campers. It is always a bittersweet day, but seeing their excitement when they see their families is so adorable. For alot of the mini campers, this was their first time being at camp and they rocked it! All the mini’s had so much fun and really thrived in the new camp enviroment.

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For our two week campers, activities have continued as normal today! It has been a more humid day with small showers for a few minutes here and there. Still not enough to get the river flowing though. There was plenty enough water for outdoor adventure class to go fishing! Today they took their homemade fishing rods to the dock and fished their little hearts out! The ladies at ropes and circus are as impressive as always! These campers can climb up the tower so fast now you would think they have been practicing for years! Same with circus! They have learned and perfected so many new and impressive tricks!

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There is still no update on the horseshoe being found! The campers have recieved a couple clues but Mrs. Frances must have hidden it really well! She is getting a bit too good at this, last session it wasn’t found until day 10!

Tomorrow the clubs will get a chance to win some club points at Get Skyline Back! Usually our Sunday-night activity is Counselor Hunt. But since Get Skyline Back was rained out on Wednesday we, by popular demand, have rescheduled it! I guess we didn’t scare off those “Laney Boys” good enough, cause they’re coming back to steal Skyline again!

Tonight’s activity was Movie Night! This is a night to allow campers to relax and just hangout with some popcorn! The second session movie was Dispicable Me! A classic. Some rain came falling during dinner so we all piled up in the gym this time!

Tomorrow is Sunday, such a special day at camp. I can’t wait to tell you all about it!