
Tomorrow we kick off our summer at Camp Skyline! If you’re a new member of the Skyline family, or maybe its just been a while, you may be wondering what the check-in process looks like for parents and campers. Here is what you can expect!

Check in begins in the morning (check-in times have been assigned) where everyone pulls into the front office to check in, turn in any medications, and get their cabin assignements. You don’t even have to get out of your car for any of it! There will be admin and signs located in our front lot that will clearly direct you to where you need to be.

Once you have checked-in, you can head to your cabin! You are free to drive to the cabin to unload your things. Admin in the parking lot will provide directions to your cabin! Your camper’s couselors will be waiting to welcome you and help you get all moved in! This is a super exciting time to decorate the bunk, make the bed,and meet the rest of the girls in the cabin. After the camper is moved in, it’s time to say “see you later” to the parents! Parents, you are good to go and we will see you in two weeks!

Don’t forget to read over your parent handbook for all the last minute important info like registering for waldo, packing meds, and more!

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