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We finally got some rain at Camp Skyline!!! These hot, dry days had left the river low and the airy dusty but the rain came just on time! The Laney Boys were on the way to steal the club flags from the dining hall and the rain began to fall, running them off! What a relief! Without the “Laney Boy’s” to distract us we had some old fashioned club spirit fun in the gym… A CHEER OFF! Each club had time to come up with a new cheer and song/parody to perfom infront of the judges. I was honored to be asked to judge, and let me tell you we have some creative gals! Of course club points were awarded to the club with the most spirit and creativity. Who won? Don’t worry, I’ll tell you!


Before all the excitement of the “Laney Boys” and the rain, we had such a fun day of activities! By now campers are experts in their chosen classes and having the best time showing off. The outdoor adventure class built their own boats today! Out of cardboard and tape. They hopped in the river to try them out and not many stayed afloat once the campers got in. But it was fun anyway! Mountain biking went to the brow! That is an almost 3 mile bike round trip with a handful being uphill! The pool was full of life today! With no rain, the river can get low and still. So good thing we have a big pool and tons of floats!

Be sure to check out Waldo to see some pics of what your camper did today!

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