
Hi everyone, my name is Alexis! I am the digital media intern and I’ll be giving you your virtual tour of camp throughout the summer, or as we call it here… The Roost! We have ended the second day of first session! What an exciting day filled with laughter, new friendships and lots and lots of fun! Let’s unpack the day! First, we started the day by having Morning Watch where we talked about being strong in the Lord and followed by raising the flag. This discussion follows our summer theme from Ephesians 6! After that, we headed off to breakfast… The most important meal of the day!

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All of the campers were SO eager to begin the first day of activities. I noticed so many smiling faces, both campers and counselors! The counselors were teaching the campers the ins and outs of each activity. But it didn’t take ropes and circus long to pick up on things, because they were already up in the air having fun! As I was at archery, I couldn’t believe it when I saw a camper get three different bullseye’s on her very first day! How awesome is that?! I also saw the excitement from the campers over at horseback as I watched them eagerly learn about safety at the barn! All of the waterfront activities are up and running and the campers LOVED it… goosebumps and all! The cold water didn’t stop the campers from participating in all of the fun! The favorite activity down at the waterfont today by far was the blob!

Let’s hear it for Sock Wars!

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Our first night time activity is Sock Wars and the campers love it! This is a friendly activity that all of the clubs participate in for club points. It’s similar to a three way “capture the flag” and “tag”, but with hundreds of socks flying through the air and girls running and screaming having so much fun! If a camper is hit with a sock that is thrown by another camper from a different club, they report to the scores table and they’re right back in the game to continue the fun!

Are you ready for the results?!

Troopers: 3rd

Mounties: 2nd

Rangers: 1st