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We have hit the ground running in second session! Today’s classes were just a small taste of what the girls will get to do during their two weeks here on the mountain. I am always so amazed by how quickly campers, new and old, jump into the camp routine! It is like second nature for these girls. And the independance of these mini’s! So impressive!

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Just a few highlights of todays day-time activities were:

Archery had not one, but TWO bullseyes while I was visiting! And they probably had even more! On the FIRST day!

Circus had girls flying all through the air! So many climbed up and flipped around with no hesitation. I can’t wait for them to grow their skills and perform them all for us on packing day.

Mini tennis was rocking it! Today they practiced just hitting the ball accross the court and some of them had a real arm on them! They were so adorable with tennis rackets bigger than they are.

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Cooking class made rice crispy treats and then rolled them up in fruit roll ups! An interesting combination right? I didn’t get to try one but now I NEED to see if it was as good as they said.

Pottery had free play today with the clay, just learning how to roll clay and use all the tools. I can’t wait for them to start glazing their projects. It is so cool to see how they all turn out!

Painting got to find rocks, paint them, and return them or keep them! It is so fun to see them scattered around camp! Adds some pops of color to the scenery!

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The ACIT’s have jumped right in on the first full day of camp! We are so thankful for them and they are such an important part of keeping camp running smoothly. They are still a little quiet today, but seeing new relationships form over the session is special. They created a “poll” in the dining hall today and the question was “What is the best ice cream flavor?”

I don’t know about yall, but I am a big cookies and cream fan. Last I checked Chocalate and Cookie Dough were tied up for first.

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Tonight’s club competition was Get Skyline Back! This game is best compared to a massive capture the flag with a hint of dodgeball. Except the “dodgeballs” are socks! It takes place all over campus and when you get hit by a sock you loose half your ammo and have to go back to base to be tapped back in! Maybe your kiddos can better explain it!

Do you wanna know who took home the club points tonight???


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