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Hello parents and welcome to COLOR WARS day at camp. Its been a while since I’ve gotten to give everyone all the details of what happened throughout the day but I’ll do my best to get you caught up with all the excitement from todays activities and don’t worry, there were plenty of them to choose from so here we go!!

The day started off just like any other day with campers getting up and making their way to morning watch, breakfast and their first 3 classes of the day. After lunch it was a little different story as everyone stayed in their cabin groups ands enjoyed our famous COLOR WARS activities. This year was little different than the previous years as each cabin to first make their way through the color gauntlet by reading their map to find their way around camp to all the different stations that were waiting on them and complete a task at each station. The campers goal was to protect their counselors from getting color thrown on them at each station by completing a task at each station. If the campers and counselors couldn’t complete the task at that station, then the counselors running the station started covering the cabin counselors with the paint dust as their campers tried desperately to protect them from getting colored. In the end every single person was covered with all kinds of color dust (I’m pretty sure it was set to be like that the whole time… ya know what I mean??).

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Once everyone had completed the “Color Gauntlet” on one side of the river, it was time for everyone to head to the other side of the river for the massive colorful finish. This detailed everyone getting a handful of color and throwing it in the air at the same time for some of the pictures you see and then just grabbing a handful of color and playing color tag with anyone you saw (which would explain some of the outer pictures you’ve seen with your daughters covered head to toe in color….)

In the end it was a great day and even Mother Nature helped out by keeping some high clouds around and a soft breeze all day long to keep the temps right where it was perfect for all the action and then a fun dip in the river to wash off and cool off a the same time!

After all the colorful action today we ended the night with a cheer off (that seems to be something these girls really like and get into!!!). This was turned into a club activity and each club had a chance to make up their own cheer and dance to perform in front of everyone. Somehow, even after a full day of action and running around throwing color dust at everyone, these ladies had enough energy to bring everything they had to the stage tonight and cheer their little hearts out as loud as they could. At the end of the night and after all the cheering and singing was finished the final results were……….. Mounties 3rd, Rangers 2nd and the Terrific Troopers 1st!!!! Way to go Super Troopers.

Speaking of Super Troopers, they ALSO found the GOLDEN HORSESHOE today!!!!! All the campers have been searching for the golden horseshoe thats been hidden all session long. Who ever finds it gets some MEGA points for their club and that’s exactly what the Troopers did today. Its been a great day to be a Trooper on the mountain.

Tomorrow will be our last day of classes as everyone will be getting their final rides down the zip lines, on their favorite horse, their last chance for another bullseye at archery or rifelry, or whatever their goal is. The girls in my caving and rappelling class will be rappelling from the bridge into the cool water of Little River and then climbing back up the ropes again. They’ve done an amazing job this session learning this new skill and tomorrow will be be a fun day to “bounce the river” as we say.

Tomorrow will also be the final day to send in email for your daughters. Well print out the Wednesday emails at our regular time of 9AM CST and this will be be delivered Wednesday at lunch. We’ll make our final email download Wednesday afternoon at 4 PM CST and those emails will be delivered on Thursday. So if you want to send your daughter a final “we’ll see you soon” email please make sure you get it in before 4 PM Wednesday afternoon.

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Well, thats about everything exciting that happened today except for the fact my Seminoles won their elimination game vs UNC and moved on in the college world series. Fortunately I have another Seminole fan here this session and I’ve been keeping her “in the know” throughout the session on how they’re doing! I hope your day is as good as ours was today!!

I’d love to stay up and talk more about what all happened today but for some reason my eyelids have been getting really heavy over the last 2 weeks so I think Id better go home and check them for leaks. Y’all have a great night and we’ll see ya back here tomorrow for the next blog!!

have a great night,