
Hi everyone, it’s Alexis again! I’m so excited to give y’all word on everything that happened around camp today! Per usual, we started the day by saying goodmorning to Riverside at Morning Watch! During this time, we discussed the belt of truth from Ephesians 6! Then we headed off to flag raising and breakfast!

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Activities are still going on strong! Fitness was going on a walk to Camp Laney today. They started with a warm up dance to a fun song and then began their 2 mile walk to Camp Laney! As we were on the walk, We saw mountain biking heading our way to go towards The Brow! The campers always enjoy going to The Brow because the view is just breathtaking on top of the mountain! Luckily it was a little cooler this morning due to the rain that we had yesterday, but I was still exhausted just by watching them ride by! Which is why Aly and I decided to cut our walk short with fitness and head back to camp! As we were walking back in, we saw the outdoor adventure class collecting sticks to craft together fishing poles! I love hearing all of the campers’ ideas - they are so creative and I look forward to seeing the progress in the next few days! Over at archery, the girls were collecting their arrows as we walked up! All of them look like pros and they continue to get better and better every day! Pickle and Aly faced off in an archery competition in the remaining 5 minutes of class and Aly shot a bulls-eye, but Pickle was quick to say that it was just the practice round!

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CSR wasted NO time and started rapelling off the BRIDGE today!!! Not to mention, rapelling into the river! It was the perfect way to cool off from the hot day we had! They were busy rapelling for about two periods and they loved every second of it! We could hear them splashing and laughing all the way across camp! The campers never fail to amaze us and I love how they went for it with full confidence! I was very impressed! Speaking of being impressed… Eden and I decided to try the high and low ropes as well as the zip line! Let me tell y’all - it is a lot harder than it looks!!! I was sweating bullets once I got all the way to the zip line! All of the campers get across so effortlessly and I’m envious, haha! However, it was a ton of fun and I’ll have to do it again at a later time! The girls got the tennis court ready for tonight’s activity with all sorts of fun chalk drawings and it’s looking so good!

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The minis sure have had a fun filled last day! They were spotted earlier by Dog Patch having a water balloon fight! This definitely had some benefits since it got a lot warmer towards the middle of the day! We have some enthusiastic minis - they jump right into their activities like archery and tennis! Over at the barn, some of the minis were painting one of the horses while the other half were having a horseback relay race where they had to recite “Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore” with a mouthful of crackers! It was a lot of fun to watch and the girls had so much fun with it! We will be really sad to see them go tomorrow, but I know they had such a fun filled week here at camp and made so many new friends and memories!

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Tonight’s activity is the Laney Dance! This is always a fun one!!! We have the Laney boys come over and we play a bunch of songs for everyone to dance to! It’s always a slow start, but eventually the campers will losen up and have fun with it once they see the counselors up and moving! The mini’s also performed their dance tonight and rocked it!!! For the campers who don’t want to attend the dance, we play a movie for them in the dining hall! Tonight’s movie was Alvin and the Chipmunks! Something even more fun about the dance is the theme, which is Hometown Throwdown! It’s really fun to see the outfits the campers put together that best resemble their hometown!

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