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I’m the Camp Mom, Mrs. Frances, and I have so much enjoyed your girls this summer. As my 11th summer in this role, I have seen many of your children grow up and become amazing young ladies. The age-outs always impress me with their desire to learn how to be a leader. We really hope that one day they will be counselors. Sally had them all over to her house for a home cooked meal tonight to celebrate them.

I’ve also had the opportunity to teach Bible Study to the lodge-age campers and I can’t begin to tell you how impressed I am with their ability to pray AND in front of their peers. That’s tough at any age. Seeing all age campers at Beli Deli using their manners of please and thank you is such a joy. Parents and Grandparents you should be proud!

Today was the last day of activities and a very nice and cool one. It was also the horse show and I’ve seen several colorful ribbons proudly displayed around camp. We are looking forward to the Grand Champianship tomorrow. Tonight was Showtime and you should see what all your girls have learned in such a short time. From dances to cheerleading routines these ladies have been working hard. The cabaret was amazing as well. Ask your children about the heart of camp and how it can never be taken.

Tomorrow is also Awards Day and I’d like to take this time to introduce a Skyline Alumnae who has been a part of camp for many years as a camper and a counselor. And her daughter, Sarah Nell, is now a camper. This makes Sarah Nell a Grandcamper. In fact, we have close to 50 Grandcampers this session.

Read more about Claire below….

What makes Skyline special to you?

Camp Skyline is a special place to me because of relationships. Above all, my relationship with God grew tremendously as a camper and counselors during my summers on the mountain. I also still have friends who I lovingly went back year after year to see at camp and strengthen our bonds. (And don’t forget… we had to keep up with each other BEFORE social media of any kind!)

What is your favorite camp memory?

I’m not sure that I can narrow down one specific memory, so here’s three:

  1. Having my birthday at camp- always the best at “around the table you must go!”
  2. Becoming Mountie Captain and “getting” to carry around the sacred box (that I probably lost more than I knew where it was)
  3. Having one of our beloved counselors coming back from her night out (I think that’s right) engaged and getting to sing “How do ya do, Matt Grogan, how do ya do?” It’s funny how I feel like I remember so many things, but the details could be still in question!

What life skills did you learn at camp?

Spending most of my childhood and adolescent summers at camp taught me many things. As a camper, I learned time management and prioritizing. Building those schedules was no joke to an 8 year old who is used to being told where to be and when to be there most of the time. As a counselor, I learned more skills that would help me in my teaching profession and being a mother. I feel like I learned an importance balance in love and consistency. Camp is like a bubble of the real world and expectations were still really important to keep everyone safe and most everyone happy.

How has Skyline’s mission statement, “Enriching young girls in God, relationships and self”, impacted your life?

Being a camper and being all “on your own” is an experience that teaches so much. This is a time to experiment on being who you want to be instead of who you are when your parents are around or your everyday friends you are just put into school with. When little girls see big girls who love Christ and each other, it gives them the examples they need to make good decisions for themselves. That individual choice encourages growth both in Christ and in self.

As a Skyline Hero, what advice do you give college students interested in your field?

It’s okay to not know exactly what you want to be or do in life. I have changed course a few times now (sorry, Mom), and I know that each change has been where I need to be going at that time. Work hard and don’t take yourself too seriously! Have fun and love what you do! Love the Lord, and hang around people who lift you up and help you make good choices.