
Dear First Year Staff,

Congratulations on being hired to be a counselor! This job will be one of the most rewarding ones you will ever have. Working with like-minded peers in an unplugged and christ-centered enviroment builds bonds that last forever. You get to fill your cup with christ and pour into the young Skyline ladies that already look up to you all so much.

You get to spend your days working with campers of all ages in a variety of activities. It is special getting to wittness and encourage kids through facing their fears and achieving new skills. Spending your days in activites is not only rewarding but it is also fun! You get to learn new skills yourself and create fun new ways to teach them to the campers! The night programs are just as fun! You have to opportuntiy to get extra involved as a club sponsor or help facilitate! No matter how you participate, it is so fun watching all the campers immerse themselves in the friendly competition of club and cabin activity nights. On nights like talent show, Laney dance, or movie night, it is so fun seeing the friendships between campers bloom as they are having the time of their lives.

It is important to bond with your campers in your activities but more importantly, the campers in your cabin! You get to spend time with your campers in the mornings and nights, every meal time, cabin competitions, Beli Deli’s, and more! Take this time to really get to know each camper! Campers look up to their counselors so much and will always remember the impression you have made. Have cabin chats and devotions before bed, play games with them at Beli Deli, ask them about their activities at meal times, theres so many ways to get to know them!

Orientation is a time that is so important to your success as a Camp Skyline Counselor. My advise would be to come in and give it your all, no matter how nervous you may be! When you arrive there will be 90+ ladies you may or may not have ever met before. Over the week you will have an opportunity to get to know each one but don’t be afraid to introduce yourself and make friends! You will be given your orientaion bunk assignment when you arrive. So as you unpack, introduce yourself! Many of our counselors have been campers and staff for years, so don’t be afraid to ask them questions. You will be given so much information at orientation on a variety of topics so don’t be afraid to ask anyone questions! Whether that be a peer, admin, encourager, or even your small group leader!

We are so excited to have you all at camp this summer! Don’t forget to read the Counselor manual that was sent to you all. Feel free to reach out with any questions at all!

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