Posted by Frances Lindsey on April 08
Leah spent several summers up at camp along with her sisters Amelia and Hannah. All 3 ladies were Troopers! Skyline’s Equestian Program is what interested Leah most along with simply hanging out with her camp friends. Leah is a Lead Product Manager at Paramount - her team is part of the Network Streaming division, supporting the apps and websites for networks like Comedy Central, Nickelodeon, BET, MTV, and more. They build integrations with multiple systems to bring content like series and movies into our Content Management Systems so that Producers can then get that content in front of viewers. Her role is to determine how their work can best accomplish the business’s goals, evaluate risks, and prioritize work to deliver the most efficient and highly-performing systems possible, ensuring that the viewers can always access their favorite content!
Read more about her love for Skyline…
What makes Skyline special to you?
To me, one of the most critical benefits of Skyline is the way that it exposes you to new people and experiences in a safe and isolated environment. When I was a camper, social media and cell phones weren’t as pervasive as they are now, but we were starting to see that shift in the way that we communicate with each other. Our society puts so much pressure on young girls to be, look, act, and feel certain ways and all of those pressures are amplified by the technology that has improved our lives in many other ways. Being at camp removes so much of that pressure and allows girls to focus on just being who they are, learning new things, and forging relationships without the constant hyper-connectedness taking them out of the moment. You learn to see and evaluate yourself without the feedback loop of social media clouding your perceptions and causing you to compare yourself to others.
What’s your favorite camp memory?
I think my favorite camp memories are the “in between” moments - getting ready for the dance, hanging out during free time, walking across the river after dinner. I have so many fond memories of piling a ton of girls onto a bunk or sprawling out on the floor of a Riverside room and just laughing, talking, and telling stories. As much fun as the activities are, so much of the camp magic lives in the moments where you’re just relaxing and bonding with your friends.
What life skills did you learn at camp?
I’m a natural introvert and a huge homebody so as much as I loved going to camp, it was always an exercise in stepping outside of my comfort zone. Camp helped me to push myself to make connections with new people and learn to regulate my emotions when I’m in a situation that makes me uncomfortable. I’m also a firm believer that the kids who went to camp have an easier time adjusting to living with other people in college and young adulthood!
How has Skyline’s mission statement, “Enriching young girls in God, relationships and self”, impacted your life?
Skyline taught me the power and the value of being a part of something bigger - it’s something you feel so deeply not only in quiet moments at Morning Watch and around the campfire but also in the chaos of club competitions when you’re learning to problem solve and collaborate with people. My time at Skyline was also critical to the way that I understand myself and approach unfamiliar situations - I see echoes of my camp experience when I’ve started new jobs, moved to a new home, or gone to a party where I don’t know a lot of people. Every day our society makes it a little harder for individuals to be truly in tune with ourselves, our feelings, our relationships, and the world around us. For me, camp modeled how to let go of that external noise, to look within, and to trust myself and the community that I have built around me.
As a Skyline Hero, what advice do you give college students interested in your field?
Stay curious. I think this is true of any field, but it’s especially true of technology and entertainment. It can be really unsettling to work in a field that is constantly evolving and pivoting. I have found that the people are most successful and the most happy are the ones who find joy in learning, trying new things, and failing. Yes - failing! Never be afraid to ask the “stupid” question or try something that you might not be good at. On every team I’ve ever worked on, the most trusted and valued people are the ones who spoke up when they didn’t understand something or needed help.
Nothing worth having was perfect the first time and no one worth listening to was right every time.
Camp Mom. Wife of Cooper. Proud mom of three. Birmingham Southern grad. Homesickness extraodinaire. Maker of the famous Franny Dip. Lover of evening coffee.
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