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Hello parents and Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there! It was great to get to see everyone this morning at check in even through with the stream lined check in, I only get a few seconds, if that to say hi and catch up with everyone. And speaking of the check in, you guys have it nailed!! Everyone was in and unloaded before I even know it was finished although some of y’all weren’t in a hurry to leave, your daughters were glad once camp was “parent free” and we could get down to some serious camp fun!!

As soon as all the campers arrived this morning and got settled into their cabins, the first thing they did was play some get to know ya games so everyone could learn the name and a little more about their new friends. Once name and “where ya from” type games were finished, all the cabins took tours around camp so everyone would learn where they are and where they need to go once we start their activities early Monday morning. (we don’t want the little darlings getting lost on their first day now do we???).

Speaking of activities, you’ll be able to know which ones your daughters signed up for in just a few days. You’ll be gettin a post car din the mail soon with a list of their activities as well as which club they are in. Now before you go running out to the mail box like Forrest Gump, just know that the mail up here is kinda like the whole mountain lifestyle…. a little s…l…o…w…e…r… than what most of y’all are used too. Well get the post card in the mail soon but it may still be a few days before they reach you. Just patient and let it surprise ya when it comes. Its always better that way.

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Like I said just a minute ago, the post card will have which club your daughter is in. This is important info so pay attention so you don’t embarrass yourself by calling out the wrong club for you daughter. But here’s a little pro tip for ya to get a heads up on the whole club thing. Just look for your daughter in the club and cabin pics and see what color shirts she’s wearing. If its Green, she’s a Trooper, if its Blue she’s a Ranger and if its Red then she’s a Mountie. There… see, that will help ya figure it out pretty quickly and your daughters will be impressed when you send them an email already knowing which club they in.

After lunch it was time for the pre mentioned club and cabin pics and of course there’s always a way to squeeze in a little Beli Deli time. This is our camp snack store where they get to visit twice a day the rest of camp for whatever snacks they want that day.

After dinner it was time for some more get to know your cabin mates better game when we played cabin fun night. This is where each cabin gets to p ick an activity they want to do themselves and some of tonight’s activities were shaving cream wars, gaga ball, lip sync battle of course with all girls there was a spa and makeover night, face painting, dancing in the dining hall, swimming on the pool and more!!!

Somehow during all this cabin fun, they found time for each cabin to stop by the campfire and enjoy some S’mores and quality time by the fire. Now thats some high quality first day activities right there!

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After all the activities were finished and everyone had gulped down their S’mores it was time for the first campfire and devotion of the session. This is where all the campers come together for songs and nighttime devotions. (on the first day of camp, everyone is at one campfire, after that, the older cabins -Riverside and Summerplace- will have their own campfire across the river at their cabins with a little older theme and some of the campers and counselor will bring their own guitars and sing too). Its a great way to wind down all the action father first day and start to get everyone ready for bed time.

They’re gonna need their rest, ‘cause tomorrow will be a full day of all the activities they signed up for and we’ll start right after breakfast and club meetings. They’ll be learning all the what to do’s in their activities and it won’t be long before they’re up on a horse the ropes course, circus picking out their arts and crafts project or even enjoying the pool or river. We’ll have photographers out and about to shoot a lot of pcs an get them to ya on Waldo so you can see your daughter in action or if you signed up for Waldos facial recognition it’ll send them right to your phone and you won’t have to search the hundreds of pics we post each day!!

Well, its getting a little late so I’m gonna head off and see if I can have a discussion with Mr. Sandman. I’m sure after all the action today it won’t be hard to get to sleep!! Y’ll should do the same we’ll be back here tomorrow with more action from on top of Lookout Mountain!!

Have a great night!!