Posted by Anna Clayton Nagle on February 22
Happy Two-esday Skyline!
I am writing this blog from a very familiar spot of mine: Cups! Cups is a sweet & small coffee shop right next to my undergrad campus: Mississippi College. (Go Choctaws!!) I am loving spending some time home in Jackson and getting to speak at various meetings on campus to tell anyone and everyone that will listen about Camp Skyline! I am so excited to see all of our staff applications come in and can’t wait to see these ladies thrive this summer. Getting to meet so many sweet girls that want to spend their summer with us is definitely my favorite part of this job. Not to mention it gives me an excuse to hug all of these old friends and faculty members here on campus. I was actually invited by a former professor as a “distinguished alumni” (which makes me laugh) to come today and talk to current seniors about my time at MC and how I got to this current job at camp! I could talk forever about Mississippi College and how much I love it but that’s not why you clicked “read more” on this blog post so I’ll stop. I will say that we are still hiring for the summer so if you or someone you know does not know what they’re doing this summer: let’s chat!!
I always feel like the months in the spring go by much faster than the fall which is definitely the case now. It may be because we are always looking forward to camp so a new year means that camp is THIS year! Spring time means that things start speeding up in the camp world. We are working hard starting to get more details together about all things Mother Daughter & the summer as well! I’ve been working on some pretty cool night time activities and some new things we haven’t done yet. Something new to expect is a Game Night! This is something we have never done before that will be a camp wide game show one night. We will play multiple rounds of various known game shows. Most of them are silly and camp-themed of course. Everyone is welcome to participate with their cabin. Some examples would be Wheel of Fortune, Family Feud, Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?, and some fun trivia games as well. I’m still working out different details. I’m also adding something new to one of our session themes. Something around the Fourth of July, our second session theme. Any guesses? Something to make our day to celebrate July 4th (on June 28th of course) a jam packed day. I’m not sure how much I want to share yet because surprises are fun too right? I am so excited to see it all start to come to life. While I plan different night time things, Sally is working hard on our summer theme & Ivy is planning out all of our activities. I’m sure you’ve seen the news about our Photography class! I am really excited about all of the cool things those campers will learn. Speaking of new things, I know we’ve all seen the Summerplace updates but in case you’ve missed it: Summerplace is getting a huge makeover! We are having so much fun seeing all of the changes day by day. It’s starting to look like a real building. They just started putting the walls up and if you read Larry’s blog two weeks ago you saw that they have also installed a projector screen on the second floor for a meeting room. Concrete is about to be poured for the porch and pretty soon they will paint the exterior. A lot of cool and exciting things are coming along that make these spring months go by so fast because we know that camp is so soon! I will probably finish every blog until the summer like this but just in case you didn’t know: Camp is not the same without y’all and I am counting down the days until opening day!! 102 to be exact. Have a great week!!
Assistant Director. Former horse whisperer. Dog mom to Charlie. Mississippi native. Mississippi College alum. Brownies with the M&Ms biggest fan.
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